4 / 8 訂購四項商品 訂單編號 #50357 當時網站上都標示〝有現貨,24小時內出貨〞
4 / 9 仍未出貨 電至客服 得知有商品可能缺貨 但一切無法確定 請等候
沒有任何人告知 訂單延遲的問題 我得自己打電話才知道
4 / 14 從網站上得知 兩項商品缺貨 訂單被變更 沒有任何人通知我
電至客服 只被告知請耐心等待
4 / 20 訂購 12 天 A|X 仍然沒有寄出商品 沒有任何通知 建議買家 取消訂單 但買家想購買
4 / 21 網站上商品仍標示〝有現貨,24小時內出貨〞
這次 我打電話直接詢問是否有存貨 得知三樣商品都有現貨在溫哥華 甚至還知道數量
第一件上衣有 7 件存貨 第二件上衣有 2 件存貨 第三件外套有 4 件存貨
更新訂單 重新訂購 訂單編號分別為 #50698(三件), #50700(三件), #50701(兩件)
4 / 22 訂單再度延遲 電至客服 被告知是因為 VISA 銀行尚未給予確認碼
電至銀行 得知〝早已提供確認碼〞 A|X 客服說謊
4 / 24 網站上查詢 三份訂單都已被確認
電至客服 被告知一切順利 商品都在倉庫等待寄送 等信用卡通過 就能寄出商品
4 / 25 仍未寄出商品 原本已確認的訂單
#50698, # 50700 變成三項商品都缺貨 整份訂單取消
#50701 變成只剩一樣商品有存貨
這次的訂單變更 仍然沒有任何人通知我
4 / 29 收到 email 通知 #50701 商品已寄出
但是 email 中的追蹤碼無法使用 沒有提供任何貨運公司的連結頁面
5 / 7 收到商品 只有外套一件 並沒有附上網站上應允的 Gift Set
5 / 11 仍在等待四份訂單的退稅
在這一個月中 我至少打了 15 通電話(skype 上有紀錄) 寫了 5 封 email
A|X 沒有任何明確答案 沒有任何意願要解決問題
這是我做代買八個月以來 最濫的品牌公司
‧ 訂單延遲
‧ 取消商品未告知客戶
‧ 客服人員說謊
‧ 無法追蹤包裹
‧ 寄出商品缺乏包裝盒 告知後也未有任何意圖補上
‧ 退款延遲
寫出來 希望大家引以為鑑
以下為我寫給 Armani Exchange Canada Customer Service 原信
I want to complain about
> order delay
> failed to notify customer of item cancellation
> laid by customer service
> unable to tack my package
> failed to mail out gift set and showed no intent to redeem
> tax cancellation delay
I have to say this is the worst customer service & shopping experience
that I have ever encountered.
Wei-Juin Chiang
My Order numbers are #50357, #50698, #50700, #50701
The first order was placed on 4/8.
For all 4 items, the website showed in stock ship in 24 hours.
4 / 9 Nothing is shipped in 24 hours and No one notified me.
I have to call to find out why my order is still not shipped,
because the items on the order might not available.
4 / 14 2 items on the order was cancelled and no one notified me.
I called and emailed, no one gave me any clear answer but asked me to wait.
I waited for a long long time.
4/20 After 12 days of waiting, the order is still in review and I heard nothing from A|X.
I cancelled the order.
By the way, today is 5/11, it's been a month
and I'm still waiting for the cancell of tax that was charged for receiving nothing from you.
The other three orders was placed on 4/21.
For all For all 3 items, the website showed in stock ship in 24 hours.
AND I called your customer service number to be sure.
I was told all three items are available.
And the second I got the answer, I placed the order.
The next day 4/22, again my order is in review.
Told by customer service, it's because TD VISA has not gave the Authorized Code.
Called the bank, you lied.
My Bank already gave the authorized Code.
4/24 On the website, it showed the order was comfirmed but pending.
Called customer service again, was told everything is fine.
Once VISA authorized, the orders will be shipped.
4/25 Nothing is shipped, Order is still pending.
and somehow the "comfirmed order" is not comfirmed anymore.
For #50698 and #50700, All items were cancelled.
For #50701, one of the items was cancelled.
Again, no one notified me.
4/29 Received email. Order#50701 was shipped.
but the tracking number doesn't work.
No proper link to the shipping service you used.
I can't track my package.
5/7 Received the package. There's no gift set inside.
5/11 Still waiting for the cancellation of the tax from orders that are not fulfilled